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ProxMox Notes

CLI command qm is your friend. List/manipulate VMs and such with this utility.

Package updates fail after ProxMox install

The automatic package update script will fail, because ProxMox “assumes” you will have a subscription (silly ProxMox). To fix this, the process must run at least once (and fail) and then it can be flipped to the “no-subscription repository” as follows…

Select “Repositories” underneath “Updates”
Disable the ceph-quincy and pve repositories
Click “Add”
In the Repository drop-down box, select “No-Subscription” and click Add.

"No Active Subscription" alert when logging into the GUI

Unless one has a paid subscription to ProxMox, there will be an alert posted in the GUI at each login, which must be clicked on to dismiss. To eliminate this annoyance…

Edit the file /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlb.js (making a backup is encouraged).

Find the following two lines:

if (res === null || res === undefined || !res || res
.data.status.toLowerCase() !== 'active') {

Replace them with the following:

if (false) {

Save the file. Refresh the browser.

Enable remote VNC login ability to ProxMox guests

Edit the file - /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/<VMID>.conf

Add args: -vnc to the end of the file (choose a unique number after the : for each guest)

A VNC connection to the guest is now possible by specifying the host IP address and the port chosen (“5977” in the example above).

proxmox_notes.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 11:15 by mike

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