Well that was a fine, if not really chilly, weekend. I’m slowly starting to get going on completing the list of tasks I’ve set out for myself this year. And, as life would have it, a few previously unscheduled tasks made themselves known as well.
One of the “sudden” (damn I need a thesaurus!) tasks I tackled was recovering from the unforeseen failure of the LED strip lights that illuminate the back wall and the underside (i.e. floor) of my computer table area. I bought the lights 3 years ago and let me tell you, once you have become accustomed to illumination in certain areas of your domicile, having to go without it is almost crippling. Crippling to the point that on Friday, I ordered a replacement set from Amazon, which showed up Sunday morning while I was at church. So I spent the afternoon tearing the failed set off my table (electrical tape holds up really well, FYI) and then painstakingly taping the new set onto the table (this time with duct tape, because that’s what I had). I am very happy to report that my floor is now lit up again, and I definitely am breathing easier as a result.
Once that was completed, some other activities in the computer area necessitated my expedition to the, let’s say, neglected half of the basement. Cleaning this area is one of my 2017 tasks and I’ve even gone so far as to make a successful cleanout and cleanup of this area a goal I must reach before I permit myself to acquire a drum set. And, while I am nowhere near completion on this cleanup, I definitely made progress yesterday. Cardboard and styrofoam made their way to the street for today’s scheduled trash and recycle pickup, and other things got organized or placed in certain sections of the area to be acted upon later (all recycle ends up in one area, for example). Once spring rolls around, the plan is to have someone drop off one of those “cute” dumpster things in my driveway so I can finish vacating the basement of all trash and debris as well as clean out the garage of all the furniture, appliances and junk that has accumulated there. My son will certainly appreciate that, as once that is completed he’ll be able to get his car into the garage.
All that activity aside, I spent the weekend hanging out with my son and doing some work for the office remotely. All in all, a fairly productive weekend.