It’s big. It’s orange. And it’s headed our way.
That’s right. Project-fest 2017 kicks into high gear this Monday, March 20th, when the fine people at U Load It are scheduled to place a dumpster in my driveway. It is then that the Great Cleanout of 2017 will begin in earnest. The garage will be purged, as will the basement. If there’s any room left over, who knows. Maybe we’ll hit the top floors of the house.
This is the major step that will facilitate finally bringing the east half of my basement back to usability, freeing up space for my drum set and whatever else I choose to put there. It will be livable again. My only regret is that it is no longer carpeted, but maybe this will create an opportunity to re-carpet the area. Yet to be determined.
As far as the garage is concerned, the removal of years of accumulated dryers, grills, couches, toilets (yes, even toilets) and other miscellaneous items, plus the acquisition of a nice tool chest, will enable us to get organized and my son will be able to get his car into the garage.
I’m hoping my son will shoot some video of this process as it unfolds, perhaps producing some fine video for his YouTube channel.
Stay tuned – it’s about to get a little crazy around here…